Can you cancel and refund my domain name order?
Unfortunately not. Once a domain name is registered or transferred into us, we cannot refund any...
Do you charge to transfer domains names away from you?
No, and quite simply, we never will.
How do I transfer a domain to you?
First you need to unlock your domain with your current registrar and request your EPP code, once...
What are your nameservers?
Our nameservers are:
ns1.tudornet.netns2.tudornet.netns3.tudornet.netOur name servers are...
What happens when a domain expires?
After a domain expires, it will be available for registration by anybody. If you wish to retain...
What is a domain?
A domain is a human-readable name assigned to an IP address to make accessing websites much...
What is your Nominet IPS tag?
Let's keep this simple! Our Nominet IPS tag is 'TUDORINTERNET'. All one word and all in capital...
Will I be able to access my domain name with or without the WWW?
Yes, you will be able to access your domain name with or without the WWW in front. For example,...
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